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WHSD faculty discuss equity, racial disparities in education at district's JEDI Conference

Woodland Hills School District faculty gathered on Friday, February 14 for the district’s first JEDI Conference, a specially designed initiative developed by a team of district educators through the Equity Leadership Initiative sponsored by TeachPlus. JEDI stands for Joy, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and the conference was created to aid the district in its ongoing efforts to erase racial disparities in its schools, classrooms, and educational activities.
  • 12:1 Student Teacher Ratio
  • 17 AP Courses Offered
  • >$10,000,000 in Scholarships Awarded Last Year
  • Most Awards for Gene Kelly Performing Arts than any other School
  • K-12 VEX Robotics & Computer Science Program
  • 2nd Most Diverse School District in Allegheny County